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Bollon: In Taros Welt
9,90 €
7-14 dní
Katalógové číslo:
EAN kód:
Fabrice Bollon
Jena Philharmonic Orchestra, René Münch
Zoznam skladieb
In Taros Welt (Taro's Wonderful World): Suite No. 1 (version without narration)
1 I. Reise in das Paralleluniversum (Travel into a Parallel Universe)
2 II. Der schlafende Planet (The Sleeping Planet)
3 III. Im Tunnel der Aufwachenden (In the Tunnel of Awakening)
4 IV. Der springende Planet (The Jumping Planet)
5 V. Im Tunnel der Tratschenden (In the Tunnel of Voices)
6 VI. Der tanzende Planet (The Dancing Planet)
7 VII. Im eiskalten Tunnel (In the Ice Cold Tunnel)
8 VIII. Der Planet aus Schnee (The Snow Planet)
9 IX. Im Tunnel der Geheimnisse (In the Secret Tunnel)
10 X. Der Planet mit dem grünen Licht (The Planet with the Green Light)
11 XI. Abreise (Departure)

In Taros Welt (Taro's Wonderful World): Suite No. 2 (version without narration)
12 In Taros Welt (Taro's Wonderful World): Suite No. 2 (version without narration)

In Taros Welt (Taro's Wonderful World): Suite No. 3 (version without narration)
13 I. La Follia I
14 II. Marche au suplice
15 III. La Follia II
16 IV. Baba Yaga
17 V. La Follia III
18 VI. Die Walküre
19 VII. La Follia IV
20 VIII. La mer
21 IX. La Follia V: Abschied von Tara (Taro's Farewell)
Taro’s Wonderful World was conceived by conductor/composer Fabrice Bollon and author Julia Liebermann as an introduction or initiation into classical music both for children and adults unfamiliar with the genre. Taro, a child from the planet Trujillo, is woken one night by a curious little melody. His adventures take us through increasingly sophisticated and surprising sonic constellations that light-heartedly turn favourite classics upside down and inside out, exploring every facet of the orchestra and combining a wide variety of musical styles in a uniquely enjoyable way. A digital-only version with German narration is also available to stream and download (9.70356).
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